Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Morning

I am really not sure where the weekend went. But it was perfect ... we worked, we relaxed, we played. The perfect combo, right? Our garden is shaping up and hopefully I can show so major improvements over this soon.

Axel put the last coat of paint on the kitchen ceiling so I'm headed in there to do a deep clean and put things back. Soon .. the lamp, we are actually going to hang a very cool lamp.

Yesterday, I played. I really didn't mean to spend the whole day doing it but it was rather therapeutic. A couple of years ago I saw this and fell in love with it, but I knew I couldn't justify another project. Then I saw more of them and they kept haunting me.

In March, I read that Amy was going to teach a class on-line - for just $10 (introductory price). I was curious about the whole on-line class thing. It's something I would love to try doing. I thought what the heck ... do it!

Day 1

Use it as an opportunity to honor Saskia & Arne. Of course in early March, I couldn't quite see all the Happy things. It's much easier now, it is all I see. I miss them terribly but they have given me so much. I can only be grateful ... I keep saying over and over "we are better people for having known them."

My heart and soul is going into the stitchery.
I am working on it in my quiet time. 
After my work is done when I can sit and relax. 
And reflect.
It is all about them. It is all for them.
It makes me smile!

It makes me happy!

You can see close ups of each of the squares in my flickr stream.

I hope you have a lovely week.
Mine is just starting.
I have quite a list.

But I am ready.

Be sure to check back on Friday to see what I've gotten done.

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  1. Jovita,

    It is good to see your little eyes poking up over the horizon. I can see you are feeling safer and more settled, venturing out into life again. What a sweet little project you have going. PS My seeds are poking their little sprouts up too!

  2. I didn't get my seeds yet! When I come back. I was gone for last Friday's post...This week it could be a fun one if the internet here cooperates. We are so thankful for all Axel's good advice for this trip!

  3. Jovita, dear, I am so in love with your sampler so far. I wonder if I may share your story and sampler progress on my blog:
    You can reach me by email amy (at)



  4. Jovita,
    I am a reader of Amy's blog. I just read of your loss. I lost twin son's thirty years ago to twin-twin transfusion. It is something that is always a little painful but I learned a lot about love from the whole experience. This year I lost my husband. I swear he reached for the twins as he was dying.
    Suz Reaney

  5. Hi Jovita, Thank you for your comment on MamaMoontime. I came from there over to here, and just read your story in full. I would like to send you the templates of the beanpods and babies, and all you need to sew it up including felt, thread etc. Can you please send me your postal address and I'll organise the package tomorrow. My email is I'm so very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and sending you my love.

  6. Your story and strength and spirit are an inspiration. Thank you for the reminder that life should be celebrated and I especially connected with the square that says to grow where your planted, no matter what.


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