Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Announcing GOT DOTS and a Give-Away!

So we're ready to begin ... I've had so much fun getting this all ready to share with you!
First I'm going to blame Barb for getting me all worked up about dots, cherries and berries again ... I've always loved them and have so many quilts I would like to make that include these lovely polky dots.
Barb's quilts reminded me of the dot quilt that has been lingering in the back of my brain ... one I had seen with my "sista," Dana, in an exhibition at the Bellevue Arts Museum.  It has such charm.  The maker was obviously using up every little scrap she had.  Well I have scraps too.  Boxes, buckets and bins of them!  So I'm all jazzed to use up a bunch of them and I'm hoping you'll join me in the fun as we venture into the great Got Dots Quilt-Along.
How does it work?  Easy, download and print out a little explanation and a few templates here.  Then dig out your scraps, start sorting and snipping.  Before you know it you'll be ready to make a bunch of these fun dotty blocks.
What do you need?  Background fabric(s) - each block is 6" finished but to allow for applique shrinkage I cut my backgrounds into 7" squares.  Each dotty block requires twenty-one 1-1/4" scraps of fabric.  That's it.  Oh yeh, you'll need needles and thread and a bit of spray starch is recommended - see Barb and Crispy's tutorials below.
Want to join us?  Please leave a comment on the blog and/or in the Flickr group - we would love to know who is going dotty with us.
Share your blocks on Flickr too!  I've already opened up a group and added pics of my blocks and some of the original quilt.  I look forward to see these dots multiply.
Want to win some dots to get you started?  
We've got lots of ways for you to enter a give-away for some great dots to get you going ... dotty ... hehe.
  1. Leave a comment here on this blog and tell us what colors you are already dreaming about.
  2. Become a follower of my blog Jovita's Patchwork Atelier
  3. Become a follower of our blog Under the Willow Tree.  By the way - there's a give-a-way going on there too ... i really really looking forward to reading your ideas :)

  4. Add a Got Dots button and link to your blog - and be sure to tell me about it.
  5. Tell us what you think of the pics we've already uploaded to the Flickr group.
Wow - that's a lotta ways to win - good luck!
    Want to share it with your friends?  No problem - point them to my blog, print out the info for them, whatever you like.  (But please remember - my "pattern" is for private use only - in all fairness, please don't sell it.  You are welcome to share it (hand it out for FREE) in your shop, guild or amongst friends but please make sure to leave my info on the copies.)  The "patterns" will be released as part one, part two ... not sure how many yet.  But it's all free, you'll just want to stay tuned to get all the parts.
    • Barb's method - I do mine exactly like Barb but I have a TIP ... let the spray starch soak into the dot before you put the iron to it.  Otherwise you end up with a lot of burnt starch on your iron - trust me, I've done it too many times.
    • Crispy's method - I am very intrigued and think I might have to try this for my next project or for my own dots that I don't swap.  
    • FYI - for the great Dot Swap I think it's better if we all stick to the same method - ie. basted over cardstock.
    Feel free to give a shout out on your blog!  If you have a blog, please then grab a button below - yes I had fun making these too - there should be one to coordinate with the colors of everyone's blog - but if not, give me a holler and I'll custom make one - just because I can :)
    Linky info ...
    • Cut and paste the following HTML code into your blog or website.
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Jovita's Patchwork Atelier - the great Got Dot quilt-along"/></a>
    • Choose  your favorite Got Dots button.
    • Then where you see YOURCOLORCHOICE in the HTML code - change that to the button color you would like.  Change only those words, everything else should stay the same.
    • If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Button choices 




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      1. I love dots. I imagine dots in turquoise and purple and green. I don't really do patchwork (although I use some of the techniques in textile art) but I love to wear dots. And use beads, which are really 3D dots!

      2. What a great quilt.....I have not seen it before. A lovely idea for a sew along, too. I'd love to join, but I'm worried about overcommitting. I'll watch awhile, then I might have to give in. Michele

      3. Is this a quilt=along or a block swap? I will be watching and learning, and may jump in at some point:) Just have so much to do right now-
        Mine would be cool blues and greens.

      4. In answer to Deborah's question - this is a quilt along. But you are *encouraged* to infect many friends so they'll swap dots with you :)

      5. Hello I just joined in. I have part 1 downloaded and saved. How often will the new parts come out?

      6. Janice, I'm just about to release part TWO - the Hearts block, just in time for Valentine's day :)

      7. This is great. I fell in love with several color combinations, but decided to go with a green combination like button green2. Which is what I put on my blog page to direct visitors here. My blog is new, but it is getting some lookers already. : ) Can't wait to get started. : )

      8. I love polka dots and this quilt seems so much fun!

      9. Oh, good grief. I love dots and now I have the chance to make dots out of my dots. I am thinking of using my brights and polka dot fabric. One can't have too many dots.

      10. Oh my! I'm a lover of dots - they've become a sort of signature in my quilts. I've got a list of must-do projects, but I don't think I can let this one go...think I'll get started on this one after the summer!

      11. I've become a follower of both blogs and the button is also on my blog

      12. I love the quilt, but couldn't print part 3
        Marja Utrecht

      13. Hi,
        I just became a follower of our blog Under the Willow Tree.

      14. what colors you are already dreaming about
        My favorite colors are batiks in the teal, ocean blues, darker blues, aqua and some sand colors and a green.

      15. I signed up to follow your blog via email

      16. The picture on Flcker are varied. Somehave the pretty simplicity which I like. Others have many dots w/in a more complex looking pattern.

      17. What a fun project. I'm always for scrappy .


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