Monday, March 7, 2016

Flying By ... with an update and a craft

Oh, I've been AWOL - but you probably noticed. What I didn't realize of course is that it has been over a year. That does not mean I haven't thought about you ... and if you're on Facebook I've tried to pop in periodically to write an update or post a quick photo.

Things have been crazy, beautiful, busy, confusing.
Our little wonder just turned 3 years old. 
We are entering a new phase and momma is feeling more out of sorts than ever.

But first .. a glimpse at our little man ... and his very proud parents.

birthday 3

He's gotten crazy tall and walks with a funny relaxed gait.

He is incredibly quiet, sensitive and loving.

Finn likes to RUN and go FAST!

He loves to laugh, tickle and be tickled.  His sense of humor makes me laugh too.

He amazes me with his ability to take in the three languages (English, German & Dutch)
that surround him and he repeats everything he hears like a parrot.

This year Finn learned to ride his balance bike and a tricycle.

He is crazy about cars, autos, trucks, trains, trams and backhoes (baggers in German).

The day is not complete unless he has played outside rain or shine, cold, wind or warm.

He will point out a full moon versus a sickle moon or a half moon
(these phrases are all in German learned from his best papa).

Oh, and he LOVES butterflies! 

Momma might have gone a little crazy for his birthday and had a lot of fun decorating.

butterfly wall

Next week we are going on Finn's first train trip - a long one so I thought it might be a good idea to have a little entertainment with us. I decided to make a 'quick' memory game and of course Butterflies were the obvious theme ...

butterfly pairs

butterfly box

butterflies in tin

 .. and eventually I stumbled onto this and yelled jackpot. It helped that I speak German because I really had to hunt through to find the links to the PDFs, but if you're patient you can just scroll your mouse through the paragraphs and it will 'light up' when you hit them.  I used this for the reverse side of the cards. Printed single-sided on regular copy paper and stuck together lightly with a gluestick, I cut them out, rounded the corners and then laminated them.

I just happened to have the perfect size tin in the house so we are travel ready. Finn and I played our first game of memory today, matching up the pairs of Butterfly wings.  He loved it! I was surprised how well he remembered where they were.

butterflies in action

I ♥ this kid's hands!!!

I'll try to stop by again ... hopefully before another entire year flashes by.
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  1. Fun update. Turns out I know one of your sisters and usually see her on Tuesdays, so will mention this post to her.

  2. What a wonderful memory game. I would love to have that. The cards are so beautiful. And what a wonderful little boy you have. It's lovely watching him grow up and see how delighted you are with him.

  3. I was just thinking THIS WEEK about you and so glad you posted about that wonderful son of yours! have fun!

  4. Hello! It's so lovely to see photos of the wonderful Finn again, I keep an eye out on Flickr for you and am always thrilled when I see new photos from you! Hope you all enjoy the train ride!

  5. Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.

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